In-vitro Toxicology: Safety Testing
Skin Sensitization

Skin sensitization testing identifies the potential for a substance to cause allergic contact dermatitis.


Cytotoxicity is the degree to which a substance can cause damage to a cell.


Phototoxicity test is a very sensitive assay that evaluates the potential of a chemical agent to induce phototoxicity.

Skin Irritation

Skin irritation is a local test to assess if the product may cause irritation when applied.

in-vitro Carcinogenicity/Mutagenicity

in-vitro carcinogenicity is nothing but Mutagenicity to study if there is any cancerous mutation or genetic changes.

Other safety Tests

Other specific Ingredients safety Testing- Sulphates/ Mineral Oil/ Parabens/ Pathogens/ Heavy Metals/ Pesticides....

In-vitro Efficacy Studies